Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pictures off our blog :0(

I have decided to delete all the pictures of our family off our blog. We have been watching the news this evening and a couple in Massachusetts is going through a nightmare as pictures were taken off their blog and used in an adoption scheme. We have heard other horror stories and we decided to take off pictures - we will still post, but without the photos.
If you happen to have a picture of our girls on the Internet, would you mind removing them? I am just a worried Mam ma - maybe a bit too cautious sometimes!!!


Faith, Hope, and Love said...

Oh no! The enemy is never far behind. I just don't get it...the evil...the lies...the dishonesty. What do they have to gain from it?

I don't blame you for being cautious! I will miss seeing photos of your precious girls. Have you considered going private on your blog?


Norma said...

gonna miss watching Lily grow and blossom